Friday, August 23, 2013

Learning Happitude From Spider Monkeys

Today my fiance David interviewed Greg Reid for his show The Kickass Life. Greg shared this analogy:

Hunters in South America discovered they could catch spider monkeys by drilling very small holes into a hollow log and placing nuts within the log. The monkeys smell the nut in the log and squeeze their hand through the narrow hole that is just wide enough to fit their hand. Once they grab hold of the nut, their fist becomes too large to remove it back through the narrow hole. 

These nuts are the Spider Monkey's main source of sustenance so they are not willing to risk losing it. So they sit, with their hand 'trapped', until the hunters come and get them, when all they had to do to be free, was let go of the nut.

It made me think, what beliefs, ideas, opinions or concepts are we holding on to that are preventing us from creating freedom in ours life?? 

Creating an awareness of what we are holding onto is the first step to creating freedom. What are you holding onto?  Do you often make excuses instead of making a plan to change your life? Do you listen to the negative thoughts in your head that tell you that you 'can't' or that you're 'not good enough'? Are you holding onto a job that you don't like because it's easier to stay, and pays you just enough to live on, but not enough to leave and do what you really love to do? 

Sometimes we have to LET GO in order to have everything we want and be truly happy.... 

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